Vivid Description of our Envisioned Future
Garden Spot Community is a significant catalyst for sociocultural transformation regarding aging—resulting in new language, new mindsets and new attitudes which are fully embraced by society. We reject can’t, shouldn’t and won’t because of age. Age is no longer seen as a liability but instead a reality that is leveraged in ways that improve the life of the individual, the wellbeing of communities and also benefits society.
Whole Person well-being has replaced traditional aging models. Healthcare is viewed as a support for living, not a location of decline. Instead of being stigmatized, aging is seen as a natural progression focusing on the benefits that only living a long life can bring, such as experiences, wisdom, resiliency and self-discovery. A long life well lived, when shared, results in priceless contributions to family, friends, community and society.
Attention to both physical and social design lead to vibrant communities that become hubs for sharing knowledge, experiences and facilitating new relationships between diverse people. Intergenerational connections will provide an environment for both informal engagement and lifelong learning that improves the flow of knowledge, wisdom, care and connection. Opportunities are embraced for people to move into and out of environments in a manner that fits their needs, interests and abilities, rather than their age.
No longer is the goal to defy aging, but rather to define aging in new terms. A mindset of generativity, not passivity, prevails…leading to an inspired and impactful season of life.