The Music of the Birds Birdhouse Display & Online Auction

Garden Spot Village 433 S Kinzer Avenue, New Holland, PA, United States

Stop by Garden Spot Village through the month of February for our annual Bird House Display and Online Auction. Inspired by the theme "Birds & Bees," more than 90 handcrafted birdhouses as well as bird-inspired art will be on display and available for online bidding. To bid, click here:

The Ecology and Management of the Eastern Bluebird

Garden Spot Village Chapel 433 S Kinzer Ave, New Holland, PA 17557, United States, PA, United States

Dr. Dean Rust, President of the Bluebird Society of Pennsylvania, will present 160 slides, which tell the full story about bluebirds. Dr. Rust monitors 20 Bluebird Trails in four Pennsylvania counties, including about 450 nest boxes.