Charitable Giving

Thank you for considering a gift to Garden Spot Village

We believe purpose brings meaning to life. Your donation will be part of a purpose-filled culture of giving that makes a genuine impact in our community. We value our donors as partners with Garden Spot Village. Your gifts support our nonprofit organization and are fully deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Click below to give online or call 717.355.6288.

If you have any questions, please call Wendy Nagle, Director of Development 717.355.6215.

Donate to the Benevolent Fund


We are thankful for the legacy of Dorothy Duddy.

Preparing for our Second Co-Living House

In 2016, Garden Spot Communities, in partnership with CrossNet Ministries and other ELANCO businesses, churches and individuals, began construction on the first co-living house. This first home has now been home to residents for more than four years. It has demonstrated the success of the model, both socially and financially. This co-living housing model provides people in our community with a non-institutional alternative for safe, affordable housing and support. It gives five older adults in our community the option of staying in the community and remaining close to friends, family and the connections that matter most to them.

Everyone deserves a safe, affordable home in a supportive community. We invite you to join local friends and business partners in making a difference in your community. With your gift we will begin construction of a new Cooperative Living Home for 5 people in Eastern Lancaster County.


Support the build of the Garden Spot Communities second Cooperative Living home and make a life changing impact for the five future residents.

Gifts with Purpose

Thank you for considering a gift to Garden Spot Village. Our team members and residents focus on living a life filled with purpose, meaning, and vitality as they age. Your donation to Garden Spot Village will be part of a purpose-filled culture of giving that makes a genuine impact in the community. Your gifts support our nonprofit and are fully deductible to the extent allowed by law.

To learn more about how you can give a gift that makes a difference in a team member’s life, contact Wendy Nagle at 717.355.6215.
a woman sits at a table with a laptop and a cup of coffee


Lisa Schober, recipient of the 2023 Employee Scholarship Fund, initiated by the Kelley family.

Give with Purpose—Gifts that Help Now

Outright cash gifts can be made through cash, check, or credit card, in person or online.

Your direct gift of appreciated securities, publicly traded, closely held bonds, or mutual fund shares qualifies you for charitable tax deductions and allows you to avoid the long-term capital gains tax on the appreciated value of the asset.

Stocks or bonds held for more than one year that have increased in value, qualify for a charitable deduction equal to the full market value of the gift.

If you own stocks or bonds worth less than the price you paid for them, the wisest course is to sell them and give the cash proceeds. The sale will establish a loss that can offset other capital gains income on your annual tax return.

Gifts of securities are deductible up to 30% of your adjusted gross income, with a five-year carryover of any unused deduction. This makes your gift twice as beneficial. First, you receive an income tax charitable contribution deduction for the total fair market value of the securities, and second, you avoid capital gains tax on the securities’ increased value.

To give a gift of appreciated securities, please contact us to obtain transfer instructions.

If you are 70.5 or older and have a Required Minimum Distribution that you must take from your IRA each year, you can make a tax-free transfer to Garden Spot Village to lower your tax burden. These tax-free transfers are called Qualified Charitable Distributions, and they count toward your Required Minimum Distribution. You may transfer up to $108,000 per year to qualified charities like Garden Spot Village.

To qualify, funds must be transferred directly by the IRA custodian to Garden Spot Village. Distributed amounts may be excluded from your income—resulting in lower taxable income (however, no charitable deduction may be taken).

Plan with Purpose—Legacy Society

Including a bequest in your will for Garden Spot Village is a beautiful way to leave a legacy and help provide for the future needs of our community—all without any current impact to your financial situation. You may designate a specific dollar amount to Garden Spot Village or specify that Garden Spot Village receives a percentage of your estate.

An easy way to make a planned gift to Garden Spot Village, is to name us as the beneficiary of your retirement plan or your life insurance policy. “This is easily achieved by filling out a simple form from your plan administrator. There is no need to change your will or living trust to make this provision.

Life Insurance policies can also be used to make a gift to Garden Spot Village; simply request and fill out the beneficiary form from your insurance company naming us as a primary or secondary beneficiary.

Thank you for your faithful giving to Garden Spot Village.

Wendy Nagle,

Chief Mission Advancement Officer

“It isn’t the size of the gift that matters,
but the size of the heart that gives it.”
— Eileen Elias Freeman