a woman in a black shirt with the word nursing on it

Reasons To Use In Home Care Before You Think You Need It

July 16, 2024

Written by Eliza Brown

When talking to a coworker the other day, the age-old question came up: why do we have so much more patience for the residents we care for at work than our own aging parents and loved ones? We all know the reason – we show our authentic, human, flawed selves to those with whom we feel closest – but it still catches us by surprise when we take out our frustrations on those we love at home.

Often, when in home caregiving services are brought up in conversation, many will respond, “we don’t need that yet” which feels true – you are managing, you are surviving, you aren’t there yet. But what if, instead of surviving as a caregiver/wife, or as a caregiver/son, a caregiver/granddaughter, a caregiver/neighbor, you could simply be the wife; the son; the granddaughter; the neighbor.

What if, when you’re feeling frustrated, burnt out and lonely, someone else would walk through the door who could carry your load for a few hours? This is one possibility of what an in home caregiver could be for you: simply someone to walk alongside you to lighten the load and to allow you to take back your identity.

Being a caregiver in addition to any role is a lot, and it can also be lonely. It can feel as if leaving the house is no longer an option, or at least not a simple one. It can also be lonely for the person needing more care if they feel like a burden or like they’re taking away from those they love.

Last year, thirty three percent of older adults reported infrequent (once a week or less) contact with people from outside their home. Loneliness affects both the physical health and the mental well-being of older adults. The U.S. Surgeon General has called it an “epidemic of loneliness.” Not only will hiring an in home caregiver give you back your identity, but it can also open your world back up to things that you may be writing off:

  • Hire a caregiver to come in for three hours while you go out for lunch with friends.
  • Hire a caregiver to go to church with you and your spouse to help with ambulation and transfers so you can focus on attending the service with your spouse next to you.
  • Hire a caregiver to keep your father company and to keep him safe while you hop on a virtual meeting or phone call.
  • Hire a caregiver to take your mom grocery shopping to pick out some of her favorite foods while you take a nap.

Having a caregiver come into your home can sound intimidating at first, almost like an invasion of privacy or an awkward third party. That’s understandable. However, it won’t be long before it feels like a relief; like you finally have someone equipped, trained, and ready to “tap in” when you need to “tap out” for a moment. And if something occurs that increases care needs, it can feel like you have a partner whom you can trust and who knows the details of your life enough to seamlessly show up for you and the person you care for.

In the conversation with my coworkers about how much harder it is to care for family, I thought of Garden Spot Village At Home. This is where the need is! It isn’t selfish to not want to be the role of caregiver when you’re feeling busy, overwhelmed, or lonely. It is the sign of a healthy care partnership to know your limits, and to tap into resources that are available to you.

Garden Spot Village At Home is a resource ready to start the conversation of your needs are, and they are a team of caregivers wanting to show up for you, trained to fit into your unique lifestyle, and equipped to continue to provide assistance as conditions ebb and flow. If you’d like more information on Garden Spot Village At Home, or if you have any questions about getting started, please visit our website. We’d love to connect with you.

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