Embracing an Active Lifestyle in Retirement 

July 23, 2024

“Retirement? I’m too young to retire!” Sepia pictures of older adults sitting around a television flash in your head. It’s time to replace those outdated images with vibrant color montages of retirement as it could be. Remaining active as an older adult benefits our physical, mental and social well-being. Today’s independent living communities offer an unparalleled lifestyle. If you think retirement is the end, think again. It is only the beginning!

Why is active retirement so important? And what can you do to stay vibrant into retirement and beyond? Let’s explore how you can make the most of your golden years to live a happy, healthy life. 

What Is Active Retirement (and Why Is It Important)?

Active retirement means keeping your body, mind and social life active as you age. It’s a way of thinking that sees retirement as an opportunity instead of an ending. There are many benefits to an active lifestyle, such as:

Improved Physical Health

Our bodies change as we age, but physical activity keeps us healthier for longer. Here are some advantages of active living:

  • Manages body weight
  • Decreases the risk of hypertension
  • Encourages better sleep
  • Reduces the risk of diseases
  • Boosts immune and digestive systems
  • Improves bone and muscle strength 
  • Enhances cardiovascular health
  • Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol

Increased Cognitive Health

Activity keeps our minds sharp. Over time, our brains experience structural changes that can affect memory and motor functions. Exercise increases blood flow and oxygenation, vital for a healthy brain. Engaging in hobbies or social activities can help ward off cognitive decline and depression.

Prolonged Independence

Our goal is to stay independent as long as possible. Living an active lifestyle helps us do this. The associated physical and mental health benefits allow us to live how we want. Autonomy contributes to a greater sense of self and a feeling of control. Independent living communities empower residents to remain independent by providing support within the community.

Encourages Social Connection

Spending time with friends or participating in group activities combats loneliness and isolation. Fostering human connection improves our emotional health. Retirement villages often offer activities that encourage a sense of community and belonging. Studies show social interaction in later life may reduce dementia risk by 30 to 50 percent.  

Enhanced Longevity

The great news is that today’s older adults are healthier and living longer! Maintaining an active lifestyle increases longevity. It’s not only about living longer — it’s about leading a fulfilling life. 

Increased Fulfillment

A life with purpose is a life well-lived. Having a focus to drive us can bring meaning to our lives. Your purpose may be volunteering, investing in your community or indulging in a hobby. Those who have a purpose are happier, healthier and more engaged. 

How Can You Live Your Best Retired Life?

You’re convinced and want to start embracing an active lifestyle in retirement. Where do you start? How can you live a more active life? Let’s explore four ways you can make your retirement meaningful:

1. Embark on an Exercise Journey

Getting older doesn’t mean we stop moving — we find ways to move to suit our needs! There are ways to make staying active easier:

  • Consult your physician: Before embarking on an exercise plan, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor. She or he can recommend activities that consider any health concerns. 
  • Choose activities you enjoy: You’re more likely to stick to exercise if it’s something like doing. Whether it’s water aerobics, yoga or jogging, match the activity to your interests. 
  • Exercise with others: Joining a group or exercise class helps with motivation. Your peers provide support and encouragement. 
  • Vary physical activity: Alternate between aerobic exercise and strength training. Flexibility becomes more important as we age. Yoga, Pilates or tai chi help improve flexibility and are kinder to joints. 
  • Set realistic goals: You might not go from sitting on the couch to running a marathon in a few weeks. The best way to motivate yourself is to set achievable goals with realistic timelines. 

Retirement communities offer health and wellness programs designed for older adults. From group exercise classes to state-of-the-art gyms, there’s an activity that fits your needs. 

2. Foster Social Connectivity

Socializing may be more challenging as an older adult than in your youth. Some of the ways to maintain social engagement include:

  • Volunteering
  • Spending time with friends
  • Participating in group recreational activities
  • Joining hobby groups
  • Serving the community
  • Taking part in exercise classes

Living in a retirement village provides many opportunities for social interaction. Neighbors of similar ages surround you, making it easy to foster relationships. Micro-communities bring people together who share interests or want to learn new skills. 

3. Embrace Lifelong Learning

The human brain is remarkable. It continues to learn and grow even into later life. Exercising our brains helps with memory and cognitive impairment faced by older adults. Lifelong learning means continuing our education and personal development throughout retirement. There are many ways to do this, like:

  • Learning new skills through workshops or by joining groups.
  • Continuing education through online or in-person classes.
  • Reading books or listening to audiobooks. 
  • Starting a new career with the latest skills you’ve learned.

4. Pursue a Greater Purpose

What inspires you to get out of bed in the morning? What gets you excited to face each day? Living with purpose means seeing every moment as an opportunity. It’s about making an impact on your own life or the lives of others. The greatest gift you can give yourself in retirement is finding your purpose. If you love to help others, volunteering or mission work leads to fulfillment. Get involved in community service or lend a hand at your local soup kitchen. Your skills and interests could benefit others. 

Active Retirement Awaits at Garden Spot Village

Retirement is an exciting chapter in your life! Make it the best chapter yet by taking advantage of all retirement offers. Living an active lifestyle benefits the mind, body and spirit. Garden Spot Village invests in your physical and mental health. Our community centers around purpose-based living. We offer a host of initiatives that allow our residents to make an impact on the world around them.  

At Garden Spot Village, you’re part of a community that inspires and motivates each other. Our micro-communities include everything from beekeeping to metal crafting and everything in between. We believe you’ll find a group of like-minded friends or a new hobby to challenge you. 

Are you ready to embrace the active retirement lifestyle of your dreams? Our vibrant community near Lancaster, Pennsylvania, could be perfect for you. Contact our team to learn about active living with Garden Spot Village. 

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