an elderly woman in a red vest is playing a piano

Understanding the Aging Process

June 11, 2024

As we age, our brains and bodies undergo various changes, impacting how we function and live our everyday lives. Aging also comes with personal and emotional challenges, making social connections even more pertinent as we get older. By keeping up with exercise, reaching out to loved ones and keeping track of these health changes, you can flourish and live a healthier life.

The following is an in-depth study of how aging impacts the mind and body and strategies to promote better health and happiness as you get older. 

Aging and its Effects on the Body

Aging leads to many physical changes, impacting your bones, heart and skin. 

  • Bone, muscle and joint changes: We lose bone mass as we age, and our joints become stiffer and less flexible. Muscles can become rigid and lose tone, even with regular exercise. Movement slows and becomes limited with age, causing you to get tired more easily and have less energy. 
  • Cardiovascular changes: Additionally, blood vessels can stiffen with age, leading to blockages and a higher likelihood of inflammation. This increases the risk of heart attacks, heart failure and other cardiac issues. 
  • Skin changes: With age, cells impact our epidermis, causing the dermis to become thinner. These changes can lead to wrinkling in the skin. Additionally, older skin produces less elastin and collagen, making it more likely to sag and droop. 

Sensory Alterations With Age

Hearing loss is one of the most common conditions affecting aging adults. It can stem from many changes, including changes in the middle ear, long-term exposure to noise and medical conditions. Certain genes may also make you more susceptible to hearing loss. 

When you enter your 60s, your pupils can become smaller, making it much slower for you to adjust to light and darkness. Older adults may also experience dry eyes and issues with depth perception. Taste, smell and touch sensitivity also decline with age, with taste and smell fading and touch sensitivity declining.  

Understanding the Aging Brain 

As you age, your brain naturally changes, affecting memory, learning and other cognitive functions. You can experience reduced blood flow to the brain, which can impair memory and lead to challenges with cognitive skills. More specifically, brain regions involved in memory processing undergo neurochemical changes, making it take longer to absorb, process and remember new information. Certain parts of the brain also naturally shrink as we age, including those that help us complete complex mental activities. 

Age-Related Diseases 

Understanding the diseases associated with aging can help you take steps to detect and manage them: 

  • Heart disease: One of the most common changes in the body is the hardening of the large arteries, called arteriosclerosis. This leads to high blood pressure and an increased risk of coronary artery disease as we age.
  • Diabetes: As the body ages, it experiences abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism. With insulin secretion developing with age, the body grows in insulin resistance — leading to an increased risk of diabetes in older age.  
  • Arthritis: Due to changes in the bones and joints, you are more likely to experience osteoarthritis. Other risk factors include joint injuries, obesity and genetics. 
  • Alzheimer’s disease: While older age doesn’t cause Alzheimer’s, it is the most important risk factor for the disease, with the number of people with Alzheimer’s doubling every five years beyond age 65.  

The Personal Challenges of Aging 

You may deal with changing levels of independence and mobility with age. It may result from losing the ability to see, hear or make decisions like you used to. As an older adult, you also have an increased risk of experiencing a chronic illness or dealing with the death of a loved one, which can lead to sadness and depression if not addressed. 

In general, any change you experience that you cannot control or that negatively impacts your life can be considered a loss of independence. When mobility or dexterity naturally declines, completing everyday tasks can be more challenging. You may retreat into yourself, avoiding social events or pursuing interests and activities you used to enjoy.

These changes can significantly impact your mental health, making it important to build resilience and keep up with social interaction. 

Strategies That Promote Healthy Aging 

Promote better physical, cognitive and emotional health with the following strategies: 

Benefits of Exercise for Older Adults 

As you get older, exercise is one of the most important things you can do for your health. It can:

  • Prevent or delay many health-related diseases.
  • Help muscles grow stronger.
  • Increase independence.

When you do exercises that target strength and flexibility, you can improve your mobility and keep doing your daily activities without becoming dependent on others.

Maintaining Cognitive Health

Studies show neuroplasticity plays a critical role in strengthening the brain and potentially delaying age-related cognitive decline. To promote neuroplasticity, you might try:  

  • Exercising and eating a nutritious diet.
  • Proper stress management.
  • Maintaining social connections.
  • Getting plenty of sleep.
  • Memory training activities, like card games, crossword puzzles or brainteasers.

By addressing these factors, you can promote positive brain changes to help with neurological conditions. 

Healthcare Strategies for Older Adults 

A strong patient-provider relationship is critical for older adults. Studies show having a good dynamic with your healthcare provider can lead to better health outcomes and more personalized care. 

It’s also important to review your medications regularly, look out for side effects and discuss them with your doctor during each visit. Preventive services are especially vital. By catching health issues early, you increase your chances of living a longer, healthier and more meaningful life. 

Maintaining Social Connections and Community Engagement

Staying connected with others is important, as it can strengthen your emotional health and combat loneliness. Joining a retirement community like Garden Spot Village can also present various opportunities to socialize with others and maintain independence. Residents enjoy volunteering, hobbies and social clubs to strengthen their sense of community.

We offer the following opportunities:

  • Volunteering opportunities 
  • Woodworking
  • Ministry
  • Gardening
  • Model trains
  • Quilting
  • Exercise classes

With all homes connected by walking paths and plenty of planned events, our vibrant retirement community can help you enjoy an active and social lifestyle. 

Embrace Life at Garden Spot Village’s Sycamore Springs Neighborhood

It’s important to understand aging and the challenges we may face as we grow older. This way, you can take steps to mitigate health issues and enjoy a more rewarding life. If you’re looking for a vibrant community, the Sycamore Springs neighborhood at Garden Spot Village has everything you need. 

Located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, homes in Sycamore Springs include spacious floor plans, wrap-around windows, fully equipped kitchens and one- or two-car garages. Residents participate in community events and stay connected with friends and family. Contact our team to learn about Sycamore Springs and all that you can discover at Garden Spot Village. 

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