a plant with yellow flowers is growing out of a rock

May Endeavor 2024

May 6, 2024

Hello and Welcome to Endeavor – a monthly video update from Garden Spot Village, where you will discover the abundant opportunities you have to live with purpose in community.

I’m Kelly Sweigart, sales director. Thank you for joining us this month for Endeavor.

Spring is the perfect time to visit Garden Spot Village. Flowers and trees around campus are blooming and the weather is getting warmer. We invite you to enjoy a long walk around campus to enjoy the beauty.

In addition to landscaping, we have some great reasons to stop by Garden Spot Village in May. On Thursday, May 9, at 2pm in the Chapel, Linden will host a spring and summer fashion show. You will find stylish clothes and accessories like this top and accessories that I’m wearing today. The Linden Fashion Shows are always lots of fun and offer great inspiration to upgrade your style. As a bonus, Linden will be open until 5pm after the show.

Once again, we will host the end-of-season performance by Dramability Works! Dramability Works offers arts for adults with developmental disabilities, fostering exploration and creativity in a supportive setting. The group will perform an original play, “Waffles at the End of the Universe,” a story of friendship and kindness. A light reception will follow the performance.

Also, through the month of May we will host the Congressional Art Show, a collection of art created by talented high school students in the 11th Congressional district. One piece will be selected to be displayed at the U.S. Capitol.

To find an up-to-date list of events available to the public, please visit the events page of our website.

This has been Endeavor from Garden Spot Village, where you will discover the abundant opportunities you have to live with purpose in community.

I’m Kelly Sweigart and I look forward to seeing you soon.

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